The Anglo Wulfdog Breeding Programme 2009 - 2019 |
As mentioned previously on this site, I stopped breeding 'Northern Inuit' to 'Northern Inuit' litters due to my concerns over the health issues caused through chronic inbreeding and poorly selected founder dogs. As advised by the UK's leading geneticist Jeff Sampson in 2008 I set about improving my lines by introducing good, proven, health tested stock of the breeds used to create the Northern Inuit dog originally (Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and German Shepherd) and also decided to include established wolfdog breeds (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and Saarloos Wolfdog) to give intelligence and a more wolfy appearance. To distinguish my new lines from other "wolf lookalike" breeds my dogs are known as "Anglo Wulfdogs". "Anglo" was chosen as the breed was created in England and "Wulfdog" with a "U" because Wulf is the Saxon word for Wolf, therefore looking like Wolf but isn't, in the same way that my Wulfdogs look like Wolves but aren't!
My first step was taken in 2009 by putting my Northern Inuit "Pagan" to a proven Saarloos x NI stud dog "Drummer". The main purpose was to create sound breeding stock for the future. The resulting puppies were outstanding and a few lucky people became proud owners of the stunning wolf-lookalike puppies that were not selected for future breeding. "Ruby" was kept here at Sansorrella. The next stage of my breeding plan was the introduction of a proven and health tested longcoat sable GSD, with a good hip score and haemophilia clear, in 2010. The aim of this mating was to improve the substance of my dogs, as well as introducing a heavier, more tundra wolf looking coat. The addition of GSD should also improve trainability. I had seen progeny from this dog mated to an NI and they were very impressive. I was not disappointed in this litter and it was extremely hard to select puppies to go forward into the breeding plan, but I felt confident that I had made good choices. Sadly the bitch I kept for the programme had a hip score at a year old that was too high to be bred from so she was withdrawn from the breeding programme, but her sister had an excellent score of 3:4 and her owner hoped to participate in the Anglo Wulfdog breeding programme in 2014. This litter never happened for various reasons. I did try one more litter using a different GSD stud but all the puppies looked like GSDs, which wasn't the aim and one puppy had hip dysplasia so the use of GSDs was abandoned and all progeny removed from the breeding programme. The last litter in 2010 was with "Wicca" and was sired by a handsome, proven and health tested Alaskan Malamute "Storm". He produced some stunningly wolfish pups. This was a very popular pairing and all surplus pups had homes before the litter was even born. Two males were selected to go forward into the breeding programme, subject to satisfactory hip score results, etc., and a female "Tundra" was kept here at Sansorrella. We are delighted that she had a hip score of 3:4 and she went on to have her first litter of exceptional pups in early 2012. The Alaskan Malamute sire of the 2010 litter was used again for the first litter in 2011, with our Saarloos Wolfdog x Northern Inuit female "Ruby". Again this litter proved to be very popular and two bitches were selected for the Anglo Wulfdog breeding programme, one of which, "Magic", remains here at Sansorrella and she has tested clear of DM (degenerative myolopathy**) and has a hip score of 6:6. She had a stunning litter in 2013 to our homebred Anglo Wulfdog stud dog "Ash". Another 2011 litter with our Czechoslovakian Wolfdog female "Quest" and Tamaskan type male "Zephyr" produced a stunning dog "Ash", who tested clear of DM and had a hip score of 4:5. He produced his first offspring in 2013 and we were thrilled with the 'type' he produced. In 2012 we had one more litter of Anglo Wulfdogs to a different Alaskan Malamute "Gizmo" with "Tundra", producing "Rune", and we will continue to use different Alaskan Malamutes to maintain a healthy gene pool throughout the course of the breeding programme. The inclusion of Alaskan Malamute gives offspring with substance, good bone, dense coats and small ears, with a much more wolfish appearance. However, these dogs are not for the feint hearted as they are very large, powerful dogs and can be stubborn and strong willed. Some of these dogs also have the Alaskan Malamute curly tail but this will be bred out in future generations. 2013 saw the third generation of Anglo Wulfdogs, which was very exciting. In the first three years we had concentrated on expanding the gene pool and breeding for health, but in 2013 we started to 'pull the breed together'. Second generation Anglo Wulfdogs were bred to totally unrelated first and second generation Anglo Wulfdogs; breeding for 'type' as well as continuing to breed for health and temperament - the results were excellent, both in wolfish appearance and temperament. We've been getting encouraging feedback from all our puppy owners. 2014 produced stunning Anglo Wulfdog x Anglo Wulfdog puppies, some of which were kept for the Anglo Wulfdog breeding programme while the others have gone to lovely homes and are proving to be very intelligent, lovable family dogs. In 2015 we continued with the Anglo Wulfdog x Anglo Wulfdog combination and we also saw the arrival of our Imported male wolfdog puppy "Soul", who would hopefully help to improve our lines in the years to come. We also kept a female puppy from a litter that was the last litter from one of our foundation bitches to our homebred Anglo Wulfdog stud dog. Towards the end of 2015 I had the devastating news that I needed urgent major surgery. I had to postpone this surgery until 2016 as a bitch had already been mated and I wouldn't be able to cope with a litter if I was recovering from an operation. So in 2016 the breeding programme was put on hold while I had my operation and spent the rest of the year recovering. During this time several other health issues were discovered and it seemed doubtful that I would be able to continue with the programme. I had to make the sad decision to let three of my young bitches go to pet homes "Rowan", "Charm" and "Wilo" - these had been kept to continue the breeding programme when my older bitches retired but as it now seemed unlikely that they would be used for breeding for several years it was kinder to let them lead full lives as family pets - this also reduced the number of dogs that my family had to care for while I was incapacitated. Although still in considerable pain and trying to manage other health issues with a variety of meds, as well as needing further surgery, I bred one litter at the end of 2016 - partly to see whether I was fit enough to do this with a little help from friends and family, and also because my older bitches were getting to an age where they would soon be retired and I wouldn't have the opportunity of putting them to my new stud dog if I left it for another year. My new stud boy "Soul" sired amazing puppies in 2016 and 2017, producing the best puppies yet. Three bitches were kept from these litters to go into the breeding programme "Breeze", "Dream" and "Ria". Two stayed here at Sansorrella and one, "Ria" from the 2016 litter, went to a trusted breeder (Melitele kennels) who had a stunning litter in 2018 using a Caledonian Wolfalike stud dog "Logan". The idea behind this litter was to reduce the % of wolf content, making the offspring easier to manage family pets. "Soul" produced more outstanding litters in 2018 and 2019 and "Grace", "Bliss" and "Faith" were also kept here at Sansorrella. These girls will be put to quality Alaskan Malamutes to reduce the % wolf content. These "Soul" daughters will also go to our new imported very handsome wolfdog "Orion" (owned in partnership and standing at Melitele kennels) in the future, but the offspring will be very specialist dogs requiring dedicated, experienced owners. Unfortunately in 2020 Covid-19 disrupted our breeding programme and the decision was reluctantly made to postpone breeding here at Sansorrella for 2020 and most of 2021. In 2020 Melitele kennels repeated the mating with "Ria" and "Logan", producing another lovely litter and "Yenner" was kept by Melitele. She will probably have the first litter with "Orion" in early 2022. It is planned that a male pup from this mating comes to Sansorrella, as he would be an ideal match for my "Soul" daughters. We are all waiting in anticipation for this litter. Meanwhile, breeding resumed here at Sansorrella in late 2021 with "Breeze" and gorgeous Alaskan Malamute "Kaskae", who will also be put to "Dream" later this year. I was one of the first wolf lookalike breeders to embrace DNA testing for DM (Degenerative Myolopathy**). Since I started testing in 2008 science has advanced in leaps and bounds. In 2018 I began testing all my breeding dogs using "Embark" DNA testing - this shows the genetic % of every breed of dog in a dog's ancestry, including the % of wolf and where in the World the wolf was first introduced to that dog's line. In addition to this very interesting information, they also test for over 160 different genetic diseases as well as coat and eye colour traits. I was so impressed with this test that I also had all my retired breeding girls tested, including my one remaining Northern Inuit "Pagan" to show whether or not the wolf was ever in this breed (as claimed by the NI founder)*. The results of these tests arrived towards the end of November 2018 and meant that a chapter of my book will needed to be rewritten! From 2019 all dogs used in the Anglo Wulfdog breeding programme will be required to be "Embark" tested, in addition to being hip scored. There is a link to each dog's Embark Health Report on their own webpage. From 2021 each puppy in every litter will be Embark tested and the results will be made available to new owners. I have spent 13 years devoted to the Anglo Wulfdog breeding programme and as I plan litters at least two years ahead I still have plans for the future of these wonderful dogs. Because of personal health issues and incapacity, I only plan to have one litter a year (two at most) but I am pleased that other approved breeders will be assisting with the continuation and expansion of the breed. The Anglo Wulfdog breeding programme is here to stay! ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... *The "Embark" test on my last Northern Inuit "Pagan" in 2018 showed that there was 6% of wolf content in that line that I was able to genetically trace back to an original "Olderhill" dog "Taz" - aka "Shadow of Olderhill". The results from my other Anglo Wulfdog girls, who were descended from a different Northern Inuit line, showed that there was no wolf content in their Northern Inuit ancestry until I put it in using European wolfdog breeds in more recent generations. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ** DM (Degenerative Myolopathy) - Please note that although some of our bitches have tested n/DM (carrier) we ensure that they are only ever bred with n/n (clear) dogs. This means that there will never be a risk of producing a dog that has the affected genes - 'carriers' and 'clears' cannot be affected by DM. A 'carrier' mated to a 'clear' can only produce 'carriers' or 'clears'. By selecting and only breeding from the 'clears' in the next generation we can effectively eliminate DM in a generation. We are being open about our test results so that prospective puppy buyers are fully aware. Sadly very few Wolf Lookalike or Wolfdog breeders test for DM and are, through ignorance and carelessness, breeding 'carriers' with 'carriers' and even 'affected' dogs, producing more and more 'affected' dogs, which is totally unnecessary and avoidable. |
Wolfdogs join the breeding programme |
The 2009 New Year saw the arrival of "Drummer", a Saarloos Wolfdog x Northern Inuit stud dog who came to woo two of my bitches, "Pagan" and "Echo". 2009 also saw the arrival of "Quest", my foundation Czechoslovakian Wolfdog bitch. Unfortunately I was misinformed when I purchased "Quest" - I was led to believe that the breed was about to be KC recognised and I would be able to show her at KC shows. Sadly this wasn't true and NONE of the UK bred Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs are eligible for registration with the KC or the FCI, and will never be able to be shown in the UK or Europe, nor will their offspring. "Quest" was therefore used to improve the wolflike appearance desired in the Anglo Wulfdog as part of our programme and she produced "Ash", who sired several litters and was a big influence on the Anglo Wulfdog breed in the early years. A small number of "Ash's" male offspring with certain females sadly developed epilepsy - although it is not certain whether there was a genetic link or another cause, such as the Lepto 4 vaccination that was given to all of his puppies. It has been proven recently that Lepto 4 can cause epilepsy and I no longer use this vaccine for my puppies, but use the safer Lepto 2 instead. "Ash" won't be used in the programme in the future as unfortunately there isn't currently a test for this problem and I just don't know what caused it. |
![]() " Pagan" and "Drummer" |
"Quest" on arrival |
"Quest" - 3 years old |
"Ash" - "Quest's" son |
2015 |
2019 |
The Spring of 2015 saw the arrival of our Imported male Wolfdog "Soul" |
"Soul" is 75% Czechoslovakian Wolfdog 25% AWD. |
![]() "Soul" on arrival |
"Soul" mature stud dog |
2020 |
The Summer of 2020 saw the arrival of our Imported male Wolfdog "Orion" |
"Orion" is 44.4% Czechoslovakian Wolfdog 55.6% AWD |
![]() "Orion" before flight |
![]() "Orion" - still growing |
This stunning boy is jointly owned in partnership between Sansorrella and Melitele He is living and will stand at stud with Melitele in Yorkshire We have hopes that he will further improve our Anglo Wulfdogs in the future |
"Breeze" and "Dream" - Anglo Wulfdogs ![]() Click the link above to see Anglo Wulfdog Breed Standard and Profile |
Sansorrella 2021 All rights reserved