Alaskan Malamute

"Kaskae" - Snowdrop Pride

BVA Hip Score:  2:3
BVA Elbow Score: 0:0
BVA Eyes: Unaffected
DM: n/n (clear)


Embark DNA Health Report

How to interpret these results:

AT RISK status: Testing positive (AT RISK) is predictive of your dog being affected by this condition, but it is not a final diagnosis nor does it predict when symptoms may occur or the severity of a condition in your dog.

CARRIER status: This indicates the dog has inherited a recessive allele for a genetic trait or mutation. This is not enough to cause symptoms of the disease, but is important to bear in mind if the dog ever has offspring.

Conditions: Not AT RISK for any conditions tested. Not a CARRIER for any conditions tested.

All other health conditions tested

Kaskae tested CLEAR for all these conditions:



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